Elite Group

Photo Gallery
Egypt 1967

Photoshoots by:
Samer Kassis

At the dawn of the 1967 war, Egypt had 930 tanks positioned in Sinai area. Among them, the famous T54/55, T34/85, IS III, PT 76 were the most highly regarded tanks against such western standard as the M48 and the also the Israeli Centurion. However, despite this on-the-ground might, Egypt suffered great losses during that fateful war.

In one of his infamous statements, Rommel had said "when you lose air superiority, you'll become as an outdated army facing highly developed forces." That's what explains the setback that Egypt faced when its air power was totaled in a first strike. Its tanks were subjected to repetitive hits from Israeli warplanes and were soon neutralized without really knowing their might vis-à-vis the contending party.

Featured below are photos of these 1967 tanks I took in different locations in today's Egypt.


T 34/85

SU 100

T 34/85

SU 100



PT 76

Shermon M4

PT 76

Shermon M4

IS III Stalin

Shermon M4


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